Sunday, December 14, 2008


I'm in so many predicament .. It's meaningless and I'm so stuck in these shits .. Every time something happens, it just mess up my life .. While I'm doing fine, I will be dragged down on the long dusty road full of shits .. I don't understand why ?? >< .. It always happens, it's this my life ?? or I'm supposed to think that life is always fair ??

Well it's been hard for me all this while .. Everything is kept deep down in my heart, nothing or no one out there knows what I'm going through .. I just want to live life to the fullest while I can, cause I don't want to regret when the day comes .. We'll never know when the day will come ?? Don't we ?? I was always screwed for something I did and I bare the consequences myself .. Cause I know it's best we settle things out and not just leave it aside ..

I'm having some unsolved problems to be solved .. The list is just way too long, listing it down just make me hurt more when time comes .. I can't wait to just solve these problems .. All these problems will come to an end one day .. I know it will, but these problems will just exist and out there bugging me .. I seriously don't know what to do for now .. I sometimes don't know whether there are solutions to these problems .. And will money help sort things out ?? Is it so important that it can tear down relationships ?? Is it so drastic that it can really change a person's life ??

Should I do something to make a change now ?? or should I wait till I finish my studies .. Should I sacrifice my time having fun and do something beneficial ?? Should I make the changes for the good of others or just myself or both ?? Should I stick to what I think it's right ??

Signing off now .. I better sleep early .. =) .. Hope tomorrow will be a better day .. =_)

p/s : I'm not emo

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