Friday, September 25, 2009

Therapy for the Soul

Which day is the most beautiful day of your life ??

What's the easiest thing to do in life??
A mistake

What's the greatest obstacle ??

The most profound tragedy in life ??

The root of all evil ??

The most wonderful entertainment & fun ??
Work, of course !!

The greatest failure ??
Lack of faith

The best teachers ??

The absolute prime need ??
Contact with another human being

What brings a person the greatest feeling of satisfaction ??
Being of help to somebody & being appreciated

The greatest mystery ??

The most serious human failing ??
Lack of a sense of humor

The greatest Enemy ??
Deceit & lies

The worst emotion ??

The most wonderful gift ??

The #1 most desired necessity ??
One's own home

The quickest way forward ??

The most wonderful feeling ??
Inner peace

The best defense ??
A smile

The best medicine ??

The greatest might on earth ??

The people whom we need most of all ??
Our parents

What's the most beautiful of all ??

Intelligence without love makes you perverse.
Fairness & justness without love makes you inflexible & stern.
Diplomacy & tact without love makes you a hypocrite.
Success without love turns you arrogant.
Wealth without love makes you mean & tight-fisted.
Poverty without love turns you into radical.
Beauty without love makes you capricious.
Authority & power without love lead to tyranny.
Labor without love turns you into slave.
Naivety without love deprives you of values.
Prayer & worship without love turns you into egotist.
Faith without love turns you into a fanatic.
Bearing your cross in life without love becomes a terrible burden.

Life Without Love Loses Its Meaning !!!!

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